Saturday, March 28, 2009

Life with Baby

At my age, that title should never cross my mind again, but let me introduce you to the newest member of my family. Baby is a 3 year old Cairn Terrier, adopted from a rescue foster home in Jan.
Whatever made me do it. I have no idea. The day after Grant Park, I sat here saying now what? Get a dog! Get a dog! kept seeping into my head but I always came up with the excuse that because I don't drive it would be hard to have a dog. How would I get her to the vet, the groomer? Bus drivers frown on animals on their bus. When the subject was voiced out loud the support I got gave me no excuses anymore. Then Andrew, my youngest, was asked what he wanted from Santa and he said in that voice that little boys know how to use to get what they want "I wish he would just bring my dog back"
Ok on the web I go. Took the test to see what was the best breed for me, started visiting shelters, searching, searching, searching and one night there was Baby. It just had to be. "No one puts BABY in the corner" If you checked out my profile, you see Dirty Dancing is one of my favorite movies and to top things off it said she was from Las Vegas, my favorite city. After a few bumps in the road, filling out an application, having a home visit (I did not know what scrutiny you have to be under to adopt a dog. She had to check the space of the yard to make sure the dog had enough running room. Please! she is just a little dog) she called 2 days later to say Baby was coming here to live. Another change of life.
I tell her on a daily basis she is lucky she is soooo cute or else she would be back in the shelter.
When my kids were little and even my grandkids grew up to know don't mess with her until she has had that first cup of coffee. Baby does not understand life threatening moments. By 7:30 am if she is not out of her cage and in the back yard there is he-- to pay. Forget your coffee. I have been seen by neighbors flying down the street in pink and red flowered flannel pjs and a white furry robe chasing her screaming like my pjs are on fire. Forget your vanity. And forget it is the last 3 minutes of the saddest movie you have ever seen. Is he going to die or is he going to make it. THE DAM_ DOG HAS TO GO OUT NOW!!!
We have had a trainer here because she has issues. Beware if you walk in the house and come right at her to pet her, your shoes and socks may get wet. Remeber to warn all visitors to ignore her and she will ignore you. It's called submissive something or other bla, bla, bla. That cost me good bucks. She now has some kind of virus(I think she ate something off the ground but the vet called it a virus and she now is taking 2 pills twice a day. That cost me big bucks.
As I said it is a good thing she is sooooooooooo cute.
In her defense, she does sit and listen to me whine, she makes no comments about my singing and she is forcing me to at least walk 4 blocks a day. She loves to be out.

1 comment:

The Microblogologist said...

There are many kinds of viruses and they have different modes of transmission, she very well could have gotten it off the ground. Personally I prefer plants, they don't wake me up and are much lower and cheaper maintenance ;)