Friday, March 27, 2009

Why I Started This

At my age anything titled Change of Life would be about menopause, hot flashes, bitchiness and extra pounds, but that is not what the last two plus years of my life have been all about. It turned out to be the most exciting, rewarding and lesson learning time I could ever have experienced. I have often thought about it and regret that I did not keep a journal of that time because it will never come again. I have stories to tell, feelings to think about and share with others and personal moments to be shared but I don't plan on boring everyone with that as much as I want to move forward. I want to share feelings and thoughts with friends and family on going so I won't regret again not sharing the best times of my life.

Of course I will go back 2 years and tell you that my life began to change the day I walked into the Obama volunteer office on Adams and told Jamie "I'm here to help" Politics was so far from my life. I didn't know who a pundit was or how a caucus could change the whole campaign outlook, I didn't even know what a caucus was. Our grassroots effort won this election for President Obama and I was part of that so I would like to share some of those stories. But I will go forward also, sometimes not making much sense and sometimes making sense only to myself but I hope it will keep your attention and make you smile and maybe even laugh out loud.

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