Tuesday, May 26, 2009


For those of you who have continued to read my blog on a regular basis I have to say I'm sorry for ignoring you but I have found a new love. Thanks to my grandson Nick, I am learning to play Texas Hold'em on the Internet.
As anyone who knows me knows Las Vegas is my favorite place. I keep saying it's because of the glam, the glitter but we all know it's because of the gambling. When I'm there I only play the slots because even though I know how to play poker, I'm always afraid of betting wrong or making a fool of myself so I stand and watch but never have the nerve to sit in. I watch all the hold'um games on TV, even Poker after Dark which comes on at 3 am but never could pick up the betting, when to check, when to raise and when to go "all in". So now I can practice for free. Yes I am playing for free.
Nick showed my how to sign in, what games to play and how to maneuver around the table. When it came to playing I was on my own.
MY FIRST GAME: One of the problems with free play is at times you have to wait for long periods to get in a game and when you do there are thousands of players from all over the world. OK, I decide on a game and sit and wait for 45 minutes to register. Finally I register and within a minute there are 9000 players signed up. Again you wait for another 20 minutes or so before the game begins. I was nervous counting down, 5 minutes to go. 3 minutes to go, 1 minute. Game starts. You start out with $1,500 chips. Bet, raise, fold. Lost again. Fold. Fold. All in (hurray a win). Fold, Bet. It was going so fast around the table I was getting lost. A couple of more bets. Lost, Lost, Lost. and 2 minutes after starting this game I was broke and out and I didn't know what happened.
So waiting 65 minutes with sweaty palms and racing heart I was out in 2 minutes.
Most people will say this is dumb but someone who likes to gamble even for free will practice, practice, practice until I get it right. I have played several games since then. I am figuring out how to register for different games so it doesn't take so long and I am staying in longer which means I'm starting to figure out what is happening during the game but I have a long way to go. So if as a friend you don't hear from me much don't worry that I'm dead of a heart attack in my bed. I'm just practicing Texas Hold'em for Vegas. Oh by the way My table name is ko4bucks. If you come across me at the tables, you better fold cause I'm out to win.